Friday 26 September 2014

Research into Sound

Sound in Thrillers

Within this post I will analyze different sound techniques used in a thriller clip from "Scream 2". Sound is used to help the audience understand the narrative within the scene, as without sound it may be difficult to understand what is going on. Sound is conventional within the thriller genre as it helps to create the key main elements in any thriller film, suspense, surprise and shock. I have chosen to analyze this scene as it has used many different sound techniques throughout, which help to create an affect for the audience.

One use of sound within the clip of "Scream 2" is a non-diegetic sound, which can not be heard by the characters within the scene. The sound used in this clip is the soundtrack. This music helps to create suspense throughout the clip as it builds up every time a significant event happens, so the audience will be continuously on edge waiting for an event to occur. By using this type of soundtrack in the background it begins to build up suspense and tension without the audience even realizing as they are anticipating the events that are about to unfold, as they eagerly await as they do not want anything bad to happen to the character they have built a relationship with. A soundtrack running throughout the duration of the clip is conventional to the thriller genre as it keeps the audience alerted and engaged as they wonder why the tempo and pace of the music is steadily increasing.

The second use of conventional sound is shown clearly as the eerie music has built up suspense and has ended. For a brief moment the audience begin to think the protagonist is safe from the killer, then a non-diegetic loud, exaggerated sound is used as the killer  jumps out on the woman as she answers the phone. This is a conventional sound technique which is often used in thrillers as it engages the audience as it is surprising because of the anticipation they had, has now gone and then to be alerted with a loud noise makes them jump as they are shocked. On from this it keeps them on the edge of their seats continuing to watch as the watch on wanting the protagonist to escape.

Thirdly when the protagonist is frightened by the unidentified killer she begins to run through her  house with the diegetic sounds of screaming as she attempts to escape. The screams are a parallel sound as this is what you would expect to hear in this scene. The screams create a sense of foreboding for that character as the low toned scream followed from the victim was the killers as he ran after her. The different pitched screams could portray the dominance of both characters, as the killers screams are lower toned this could portray the killer has more dominance in the situation and overall, this will then begin to worry the audience and sympathize for the protagonist as she doesn't have much chance of escaping from the antagonist and they can't help but imagine themselves in the situation she is currently in and how terrified they would be feeling also. 

Furthermore, diegetic sounds of weapons clearly are used as they are exaggerated. This is used when the victim is being stabbed repeatedly by the antagonist. I think the sounds are exaggerated to show the severity of the situation and the audience will begin to sympathize for the victim as she has tried to escape from the killer but has not succeeded. This is conventional to have an exaggerated sound like a use of a weapon within the thriller genre as it makes an impact on the audience, it shocks them, keeping them on edge wanting to continue watching as the character they have built a relationship with over the duration of the film has been put in danger.

By analyzing the sounds used in the clip of "Scream" this has helped me to explore and research different sound techniques and has influenced some of the decisions I will make when creating my own opening thriller sequence. This includes using eerie slow tempoed music that gradually escalates to fast paced non diegetic music as the characters danger threat increases. However from this research in my thriller opening sequence I will try to include the music that builds suspense, but  then conventionally not follow straight to a scary scene, I will let the intitial moment of suspense not be as expected then follow with a moment of suspense followed with an exaggerated loud noise to create shock for the audience.


  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the sound techniques used within this sequence, mentioning what sound is used and what it creates for the audience.

    You need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the audience and how they are able to build a relationship with the characters involved
    2) Relate all points back to the thriller genre and whether it is conventional and how/why
    3) Include times of your sound examples from the clip
    4) Elaborate on your points further to show a deeper understanding
    5) Elaborate on your conclusion by explaining what inspirations you have taken from this clip and why
    6) Make sure you use PEER fully to show a deeper understanding

  2. You have explained how sound techniques used are conventional of the genre and how the audience are able to build a relationship with the characters involved to an extent. However, your points are still lacking detail and a further analysis to show a better understanding of their purpose
