Friday 5 December 2014

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

A filming schedule is important to have as it not only keeps individuals organised, but it keeps the whole group organised as it keeps track of time and each member knows what they are meant to be doing, when, where and what time. The schedule also enables the group to plan outside activities around the filming schedule, so we can all agree on a day that we can film without a member of the group not being there. Another reason a filming schedule is important is because it helps us to meet deadlines of when we need to have filmed a certain scene, this helps with the editing phase as we will not be behind with work. It also helps to plan ahead so that we leave enough time at the end to go back and film any scenes if we need to.

We originally began filming with sticking to our filming schedule. The first scene that we shot was of the two girls walking out of the house taking their dog out for a evening walk. This night we also shot the scenes of the girls entering the forest, and also of the antagonist walking into the forest. However, once we reviewed the scenes we realized quickly that they were too dark and needed to be re filmed. At this point we had already not followed our filming schedule precisely. Two days later we decided to film again. We then realized that it was raining outside and could not film until it had finished as it could not be raining with dark skies in one scene, then not raining and clear, bright skies in another. During this time we decided to film inside the scenes were the antagonists sets alight the pictures of the protagonists. This was originally meant to be filmed last, but we changed the order as this time was more suitable and convenient and could be then out of the way. This was a good use of our time as during this time the weather cleared up, after allowing us to go out into the forest when it wasn't raining. We then filmed and re filmed scenes such as the antagonist and protagonist walking into the forest, the scene where the protagonist first sees the antagonist and the antagonist then leaving the forest on a cliffhanger. The scenes we now need to film are the original scenes that are too dark. This is when the protagonist is leaving her house to take her dog out for a walk, this lighting will match the rest of the scenes.

From using this filming schedule, and seeing that many changes were made to it when we actually came to film it has been beneficial as we will know how to plan a filming schedule in the future. Things that I have learnt from creating a filming schedule is that we need to take into account everybody's day. For example, on days that we filmed, we still needed to travel home from School before hand, therefore we should have taken this into consideration and could have chosen a location that was nearer the School grounds so that we did not have to take the journey home and let it begin to get dark out before we even started to film. Another aspect of the filming schedule I would take into consideration is the scenes that we would be filming on which day. We found it easier to film scenes in the same location on the same day instead of going to another location, this would have made sense at the beginning but we did not think of this. We decided originally to shoot our sequence in order, then found it easier to shoot scenes as an when we were in the same location which made the filming schedule less time consuming and actually found that we had finished the majority of the filming much quicker than we anticipated which benefited our group as we could start the editing process much sooner than we thought.


  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a filming schedule is and the purpose that it has to planning a production. You have started to consider the days and times that you changed, but aim to reflect on this, by considering how timings will help you in the future.

  2. Where is your filming schedule table, that shows the days, times, locations, etc that you will be following?
