Thursday 11 December 2014

Production Roles

Production Roles

Producers: Hannah, Ollie and Ella
Directors: Hannah 
Actors: Ollie and Ella
Directors of Photography (Cameraman): Hannah
Music Producers: Ollie
Screenplay Writer: Ella 
MES Co-ordinates: Hannah, Ollie and Ella 
Editors: Ella and Hannah

When creating a film people need to be allocated specific roles. This is because it enables every member of the group to have a significant and individual role and to contribute into one specific area. Each individual has a different role as we all have different qualities which will make us suitable for different roles rather than others, so we can each focus on a different role for a better production. The main roles within the crew are:

Directors - This role has the most control of the creative aspect of the project which is ongoing and who is in charge and oversees an activity, department or organisation. The director helps bring to life what the crew have envisioned for the project by following the script and guiding the crew and actors to create the project. Furthermore, a director ensures that all departments are running smoothly and there is no reason why there are any hazards or problems in the way of producing a professional final result. 

Producers Producers help to prepare before the filming begins as they have overall control on most aspects of the films production either with conventional aspects, or to  supervise the production process whilst filming and presenting the final product and to create a suitable and environment where the cast and crew to create a successful production.

Director of PhotographyA Director of Photography is also another important role which is always used when creating a film. The Director of Photography helps to oversee all of the camerawork, lighting and crew members working on any film production. If anything is wrong or there are any errors within these departments it is the Director of Photography's job to solve the issue so the filming process can start running smoothly again. As well as this, Directors of Photography are also responsible for any technical and main decisions to do with the film, if they do not agree with the way something has been filmed or shot they can make the casting decision on what they would like to do to change the scene if they feel that this will benefit the overall production

MES CoordinatorA mise en scene co-coordinator ensures that everything within the scene to do with, costume/hair/makeup, lighting, iconography and the setting is all in order and place and is ready to be filmed on schedule.

Editor - The role of an editor is to edit and finalize the entire opening thriller sequence.

Music ProducerA Music Producer helps to choose and decide which music and sound effects are suitable for a particular scene or moment within the thriller opening sequence and overall helps to improve the production by adding soundtracks and effects.

Screenplay WriterA Screenplay Writer is the role of the person who comes up with the idea for a story and writes the script/narrative for what is going to happen throughout the sequence. A screenplay writer practices the craft of screenwriting, writing screenplays on which mass media such as films, television programs, comics or video games are based.

ActorsActors and Actresses are also important for creating a film as we need people to act within the opening sequence. This is to make it more realistic and without the actors and actresses we would no be able to create our opening thriller sequence.

We decided that every member of our group will take part and take on the role of Producer in our film. This is because we did not decide to use one of our individual ideas as the final narrative, and have incorporated all of our narratives together. Having all our individual ideas and input into the opening sequence will work better than one persons decisions and ideas, as we can discuss ideas to develop ideas further, making the best opening sequence we possibly can. We thought it was important that all three of us helped to make the decisions as all of our input is important to the success of the thriller. However, I did find that by all three of us taking on the task of the producer this made the role much easier and enjoyable as each of us had never had taken on a role like this, or similar so we were able to help each other making it fair.

Again, all members of our group decided to take on the role as the MES Coordinator as none of us have any qualities that would specifically relate to this role which would help develop the sequence. I think this role would be alot for somebody to ensure was all running smoothly by themselves so with the three of us taking on the role we can all help each other and give ideas and input into what we think would work well when ensuring the mise-en-scene works well with what we are aspiring to create. 

Together we decided that I suited the role as a director of the filming process. This was only because I had taken GCSE Media and had also created a thriller opening sequence then, so we decided I could take information and tips I had learned from this and incorporate them into our current thriller opening. We also thought this as I also worked in a larger group and help to organize and manage the group well, so with a smaller group we decided that it would be easier to organize and I could suggest what I knew would work well and what wouldn't work well based on what I have learnt in year 11.  I have taken on this role of the director of photography for similar reasons to my other role, this is because I took Media at GCSE and have learnt about the camera skills before so could suggest to the other members of my group what camera angle/technique may work well in a particular scene. 

We decided that Ella suited the role of the Screenplay Writer the most. This is because Ella takes English at A-Level, and has the qualities which enable us to develop our narrative as much as possible to make it enjoyable for the audience and keeping the conventional thriller aspects to the opening sequence.

We also decided that Ella suited the role of the Editor of our opening sequence. We think that she suited this role as she took GCSE art and knows which effects/colours and schemes work well within the thriller opening sequence. Although this role is mainly Ella's, myself and Ollie still continue to play a large role in the editing phase of creating the thriller opening sequence as we all have different ideas and input of what we think works well, which will enable us to create a sequence that we all like and is developed to the best that we can make it.

We decided that Ollie would suit the role of the music producer as he volunteered as we have studied and researched which sounds and music is most effective to use within a thriller opening genre. In addition to this both Ollie and Ella offered to take on the role of an actor and actress within the thriller opening sequence as they both wanted to do this role as they enjoy acting and drama and suited the roles of the characters that we came up with.


  1. You have provided a basic explanation of the roles involved in production, and a good explanation as to why each person was allocated their specific role, but no analysis as to how they did.

    You need to:
    1) Write a paragraph for each person, analysing what they did well/could have done differently within their roles and how this enabled filming/editing
    2) Conclusion should give a general analysis of filming and whether things went well, and how you might have done things differently with hindsight - allocated roles to different people and why

  2. You have briefly explained how each person did within their role but not what could have been done differently etc. You still need to include a conclusion
